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RSM's Biography
Blow Up Your Brain (Rozwal Swój Mózg), Fulfill Your Dreams (Realizuj Swoje Marzenia), Waste Your Fortune (Roztrwoń Swój Majątek), Develop Your Music (Rozwijaj Swoją Muzykę), Spread Your Thoughts (Rozpowszechnij Swoje myśli) – there are many explications for abbreviation RSM, which is the name of a Polish industrial/electro band founded by David “Sychy” Furmanski in 2008. The first EPs and LPs of the project presented a rhytmic noise/dark electro style. In 2011 RSM changed their music, adding some witch house and hip-hop elements. However a charachteristic trademark of RSM music rests the same – the lyrics are still written in Polish.
RSM discography goes as follows:
2008 – Demo “Vas a Podrirrte Por Esas Putas Verdades”
2009 – EP Roztrwoń Swój Majątek (Absetzer Records)
2009 – LP Rozpowszechnij Swoje Myśli (Absetzer Records)
2010 – EP Realizuj Swoje Marzenia (Absetzer Records and Halotan Records)
2011 – LP Rozwijaj Swoją Muzykę (Halotan Records)
RSM's Releases available from Halotan Records
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