CygnosiC – Demystify – review

CygnosiC is a Greek project that has been active for over seventeen years, delivering new albums every two to three years for all those ...

Why Halotan Rec is Not Using Bandcamp, Spotify etc.?

Here you will find our reasons why we are not utilizing Bandcamp, Spotify and other corporate ...

Updated: 18 August, 2023
Created: 27 July, 2023
Category: Blog

You see, independent musicians have always been ripped off left right and center. Do you as a fan want to be a part of it? Because it does not have to be this way - you can change this. In this post I am not saying you should stop buying ...

Updated: 11 September, 2023
Created: 20 July, 2023
Category: Blog

As of 20th of July 2023 we can announce that some work is being done on Halotan Records' revival. Scroll down past small announcement below or click here to skip to the main text. We will publish small updates in this post as the work ...

Updated: 23 July, 2023
Created: 1 October, 2016
Category: News|Reviews

My first encounter with Jacek Wolanski’s music was rather memorable. There were few dark elekctro projects in Poland, so I welcomed Unsinn’s debut with joy and curiosity. I was a little bit upset, when I didn’t got what I expected – a ...

Updated: 23 July, 2023
Created: 21 March, 2016
Category: Interviews

There is certainly a reason behind the recently increasing presence of Mexican dark electro acts on Halotan internet website and on Halotan samplers. While the whole genre became rather predicticable and petrified, Mexican bands constantly deliver ...

Updated: 22 July, 2023
Created: 15 March, 2016
Category: Interviews

Devilsight is Mexican dark electro act which recently delivered their debut album "Luna", which should satisfy every fan of the genre. We recently reviewed this very strong release, which luckily is published in physical format by Hungarian label ...

Updated: 22 July, 2023
Created: 14 March, 2016
Category: News|Reviews

Many dark electro albums are issued these days, and it's harder and harder to get the listener's attention. However, not all artists care about that, and Exemia is the case. I know the project since one year or something, but must admit I missed ...

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