Adalbert: Hi! It’s great that you’ve agreed to answer our few short questions! It’s actually the first time I have a pleasure to interview a band from your country. Not all of our readers might know your band, so please forgive me for asking you a few rather typical questions. Your band was born in Santiago de Chile… could you tell us the story of its beginning?
Cristian: Well .. hello all, I’m Cristian from Chilean band Die Braut, and I want to thank you for the opportunity you gave me to show our band to people from Poland. Die Braut was born in 2007 and its members are Katia (voices, music, lyrics) and Cristian (programming and mixing). It was meant to be a hobby and a music to listen to at home, but has been gradually taking greater consistency and professionalism to achieve the results until today.
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Adalbert: Two years has already passed since the premiere of your last album “Psychotherapy”, now you working on your new EP “Heridas del Pasado”, could you tell us something more about this new material?
Cristian: This new material began with the idea of a single with some remixes, but the idea of remixes gradually has been gaining more strength of prominent European and Chilean musicians, so I decided to make a double album with three original songs plus a remix compilation above; it will be released in October by the German record label NoiTekk.
Do not miss this release, like Die Braut’s Facebook page in the box below!

Adalbert: Your previous album “Psychotherapy” was aggressive, well produced, and really catchy – that was my first impression when I heard your music. Especially songs like “Zoophysic”, “Parricida Perpetuo” and “Die Figur” give me shivers. What were public’s reactions on this cd?
Cristian: Yes, it is quite aggressive, but also very dark, it is an intimate disc from the point of view of music and writing. Fortunately the CD has been very well received and we are still getting comments, videos made by fans and invitations to perform overseas.
Adalbert: In interviews you claim that your music and lyrics are inspired by real life in your country, for example your demo “Unsehbar” was inspired by problem of women abuse. You consider yourself as an socially involved band?
Cristian: We are very involved socially. We have lived it all, poverty, torture, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.. What we live we say through songs.
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Adalbert: You think that music can really change the world, or, it’s just a sort of “psychoteraphy” that helps to cure frustration of every day struggle?
Cristian: The music is enough to change a person’s inner world and make it better, improve your mood, etc.. With that, believe me you can change the facts, points of view and also the world.

Adalbert: “Die Braut” means “bride” in german. Why have you chosen such name for your dark electro project? For me it has rather positive connotations – you know: white dress, flowers, love till the death do us part and so on.
Cristian: The name “Die Braut”is just a concept by having a female figure well ahead of the band and even if it is dark electro music, it does not have to have a name with a negative connotation.
Adalbert: German name of the band, many of your songs have german lyrics… Why have you decided to use this language in so many songs? It obviously helped you to reach German audience (and labels)…
Cristian: This is because Katia’s lived for many years in Germany and her native language is German, and this benefit could help us to be known better among European music, not only through the music, also through the lyrics. And I guess that’s helped!
Adalbert: Do you like to perform live?
Cristian: We love playing live, people love our energy. We really enjoy performing in front of them!
Adalbert: There will be one song of yours (“Parricido perpetuo”) on the new edition of Halotan Records sampler. Could you tell us something more about this specific track?
Cristian: It is a story of a serial killer of his wives or partners he has had. He believes he’s murdered his last wife, but she keeps on and stays alive to finally kill him.

Adalbert: Could you tell us something more about dark independent scene in Chile? Are there any acts that you would recommend our readers?
Cristian: The scene in Chile is quite dull, there are one or two clubs that make parties and concerts. If I could recommend two bands that are very good and have great projection, I’d choose ALT-G and Say Just Words. Check out their facebook pages!
Adalbert: When I see a list of remixes that you’ve already made, it seems, that your activity goes beyond the scene of your country. For example you’re involved into remixing some of Polish bands – we wait to hear your remix for Cold Therapy, and you’re preparing something for Controlled Collapse. Do you think that such remix exchange helps to keep the scene together and alive?
Cristian: Absolutely! It is a very good habit and really shows passion for music. In fact we did many remixes for bands and we are pleased and proud of it.
Adalbert: Thank’s for the interview – hope that we will see you soon on some of European festivals, so the fans from Poland could have a taste of your music!
Cristian: Many thanks to Halotan Records for this interview and hope to see you soon in Poland. Visit our Facebook page, and send comments, it is very important to exchange thoughts with people! See you soon!
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