It is a pleasure indeed to welcome onboard another band: monoLight. Their music can be described as electro-gothic-rock/metal. This band is by no means a newcommer – they happened to play alongside such famous acts as Apoptygma Berzerk. They also are one of the few bands in our scene who do regular tours.
monoLight’s musicians come from well established acts such as Co.In and D’Archangel. The band members a a whole possess an impressive set of skills: there areĀ DJ’s, sound engineer, party promoters apart from the regular set one would expect from a gothic/rock band.
This set of skills made the band able to create a professional sound and to stage excellent performaces just from the first time they appeared under the name of monoLight.
monoLight music is cappable of attracting wide spectrum of the Dark Independent scene’s followers and beyond. Coupled with band’s stage skills this appears to be a good formula fro a success.
Our first release together is going to be a single the band is currently working on. More soon.