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Gorthaur - Seasons

play 1. Gorthaur - Insomnia tools
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play 2. Gorthaur - Spring tools
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play 3. Gorthaur - Atmosphere tools
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play 4. Gorthaur - When the Night is Over tools
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play 5. Gorthaur - Summer tools
Facebook share link (works like youtube link, copy and paste into status): Tweet this song
play 6. Gorthaur - In All of Us tools
Facebook share link (works like youtube link, copy and paste into status): Tweet this song
play 7. Gorthaur - Treasury of Stars tools
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play 8. Gorthaur - Autumn tools
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play 9. Gorthaur - Cain tools
Facebook share link (works like youtube link, copy and paste into status): Tweet this song
play 10. Gorthaur - Phoenix tools
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play 11. Gorthaur - Winter tools
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Gorthaur - Seasons
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Gorthaur - Seasons Gorthaur - Seasons Gorthaur - Seasons Gorthaur - Seasons Gorthaur - Seasons

Genre: Goth Rock
Medium: CD-R (CD-Extra, audio + mp3) manufact. in Japan
Price: €7.50
Availability: 5 or more
Halotan Records' code: HLR-19
Band's website: click

36 of 52
MP3-Full album | 83 MB
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Release Summary

  • English
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  • Deutsch

Modern goth-rock with significant amount of electronic elements.

Live bass guitar provides base while electronic sound fill up remaining space. Clear vocals and professional production.

Nowoczesny goth-rock z dużą ilością elektroniki. Podstawą muzyki jest żywy bas, elektronika wypełnia pozostałą przestrzeń. Melodyjne wokale, profesjonalna realizacja.

Moderner Goth-Rock mit einem erheblichen Anteil an elektronischen Elementen.

Die Live-Bassgitarre bildet die Basis, während elektronische Klänge den restlichen Raum ausfüllen. Klare Vocals und professionelle Produktion.


  1. Gorthaur - Insomnia
  2. Gorthaur - Spring
  3. Gorthaur - Atmosphere
  4. Gorthaur - When the Night is Over
  5. Gorthaur - Summer
  6. Gorthaur - In All of Us
  7. Gorthaur - Treasury of Stars
  8. Gorthaur - Autumn
  9. Gorthaur - Cain
  10. Gorthaur - Phoenix
  11. Gorthaur - Winter
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