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Human Steel - Crankshaft Crash

play 1. Human Steel - Norsk Industry tools
Facebook share link (works like youtube link, copy and paste into status): Tweet this song
play 2. Human Steel - Behind the Walls tools
Facebook share link (works like youtube link, copy and paste into status): Tweet this song
play 3. Human Steel - Shipyard tools
Facebook share link (works like youtube link, copy and paste into status): Tweet this song
play 4. Human Steel - The Uniform tools
Facebook share link (works like youtube link, copy and paste into status): Tweet this song
play 5. Human Steel - Leatherface tools
Facebook share link (works like youtube link, copy and paste into status): Tweet this song
play 6. Human Steel - Stettin tools
Facebook share link (works like youtube link, copy and paste into status): Tweet this song
play 7. Human Steel - Lost and Insane tools
Facebook share link (works like youtube link, copy and paste into status): Tweet this song
play 8. Human Steel - Communication tools
Facebook share link (works like youtube link, copy and paste into status): Tweet this song
play 9. Human Steel - One World One Voice tools
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Human Steel - Crankshaft Crash
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Human Steel - Crankshaft Crash Human Steel - Crankshaft Crash Human Steel - Crankshaft Crash Human Steel - Crankshaft Crash Human Steel - Crankshaft Crash

Genre: EBM
Medium: CD-R
Price: €7.50
Availability: unavailable/sold out, please download
Halotan Records' code: HLR-14
Band's website: click

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Release Summary

  • English
  • Polski
  • Deutsch

The term "EBM" is used to describe the style of many bands who, in fact, have nothing to do with this genre.

Crankshaft Crash is an excellent opportunity not only to find out, how real EBM sounds. It can also act as an example, how very good EBM should sound like.

Crankshaft Crash is not to be missed by anybody who follows the oldschool EBM scene.

Please support the band and share their music on facebook.

Jak powinien brzmieć prawdziwy EBM? Najłatwiej się o tym przekonać sięgając po Crankshaft Crash. Najnowsze wydawnictwo Human Steel to duża dawka tego, co EBM-owcy lubią najbardziej - mocnych basów, dziwnych syntezatorów, bojowego wokalu i sporej dozy autoironii.

Pojawienie się na naszej scenie takiego wydawnictwa jest ewenementem. Tym bardziej warto poświęcić czas na zapoznanie się z nim.

Fizyczna płyta wydana jest w standardzie Halotan Records.

Der Begriff "EBM" wird zur Beschreibung des Stils vieler Bands verwendet, die eigentlich nichts mit diesem Genre zu tun haben.

"Crankshaft Crash" ist nicht nur eine hervorragende Gelegenheit, um herauszufinden, wie echter EBM klingt. Es kann auch als Beispiel dafür dienen, wie sehr guter EBM klingen sollte.

Wer die Oldschool-EBM-Szene verfolgt, sollte sich Crankshaft Crash nicht entgehen lassen.

Bitte unterstützt die Band und teilt ihre Musik auf Facebook.


  1. Human Steel - Norsk Industry
  2. Human Steel - Behind the Walls
  3. Human Steel - Shipyard
  4. Human Steel - The Uniform
  5. Human Steel - Leatherface
  6. Human Steel - Stettin
  7. Human Steel - Lost and Insane
  8. Human Steel - Communication
  9. Human Steel - One World One Voice
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