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Lily of the Valley - Among the Shadows

play 1. Lily of the Valley - Call My Name tools
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play 2. Lily of the Valley - Recognise tools
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play 3. Lily of the Valley - Divine tools
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play 4. Lily of the Valley - Illuminate tools
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play 5. Lily of the Valley - Dance Among the Shadows tools
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play 6. Lily of the Valley - Eternity tools
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play 7. Lily of the Valley - Alice tools
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play 8. Lily of the Valley - Liar (feat Alexander Krupp) tools
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play 9. Lily of the Valley - Lose Control tools
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play 10. Lily of the Valley - Into Your World tools
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play 11. Lily of the Valley - Breaking Through tools
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play 12. Lily of the Valley - Liar (Alternative Piano Version) tools
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Lily of the Valley - Among the Shadows - front cover
Photos: Click to enlarge
Lily of the Valley - Among the Shadows - front cover Lily of the Valley - Among the Shadows Lily of the Valley - Among the Shadows Lily of the Valley - Among the Shadows Lily of the Valley - Among the Shadows Lily of the Valley - Among the Shadows

Genre: goth rock
Medium: CD-R
Price: €7.50
Availability: unavailable/sold out, please download
Halotan Records' code: HLR-42
Band's website: click

11 of 52
MP3-Full album | 112 MB
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Release Summary

  • English
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Lily of the Valley's style is eclectic as the band mixes guitars with electronic and cannot be assigned to a definite genre.

The music can be described as goth rock with the center of gravity in the rock part of it.

On the electronic part the band skillfully uses synthetic sounds to create songs that could possibly work on the dancefloor as well. Warm female vocals are far from typical goth style of singing and add another layer to the style that is interesting and unique.

Styl Lily of the Valley to mieszanka gitar z elektroniką i trudno go jednoznacznie sklasyfikować. Muzykę zespołu można określić jako nietypowy goth rock – ze względu na obecność melodyjnych gitar.

Po elektronicznej stronie zespół używa całej gamy elektronicznych dźwięków które sprawiają że ich utwory mogą sprawdzać się także na parkiecie. Ciepłe kobiece wokale nie podążają za typowym sytlem gotyckich zespołów dodając kolejną warstwę która sprawia że muzyka Lily of the Valley jest interesująca i posiada własny styl.

Der Stil von Lily of the Valley ist eklektisch, denn die Band mischt Gitarren mit Elektronik und lässt sich nicht einem bestimmten Genre zuordnen.

Die Musik lässt sich als Goth-Rock beschreiben, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf dem rockigen Teil der Musik liegt.

Im elektronischen Bereich setzt die Band gekonnt synthetische Klänge ein, um Songs zu kreieren, die auch auf der Tanzfläche funktionieren könnten. Der warme weibliche Gesang ist weit entfernt vom typischen Goth-Stil und fügt dem Stil eine weitere Ebene hinzu, die interessant und einzigartig ist.


  1. Lily of the Valley - Call My Name
  2. Lily of the Valley - Recognise
  3. Lily of the Valley - Divine
  4. Lily of the Valley - Illuminate
  5. Lily of the Valley - Dance Among the Shadows
  6. Lily of the Valley - Eternity
  7. Lily of the Valley - Alice
  8. Lily of the Valley - Liar (feat Alexander Krupp)
  9. Lily of the Valley - Lose Control
  10. Lily of the Valley - Into Your World
  11. Lily of the Valley - Breaking Through
  12. Lily of the Valley - Liar (Alternative Piano Version)
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