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Orbicide - Ex Falso Quodlibet

play 1. Orbicide - The Holocaust ov Egypt tools
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play 2. Orbicide - Orbicide tools
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play 3. Orbicide - Job tools
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play 4. Orbicide - Abraham tools
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play 5. Orbicide - Dichotomy Divine tools
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play 6. Orbicide - 128 tools
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play 7. Orbicide - Orbicide (Redesigned by Hexis) tools
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play 8. Orbicide - Orbicide (Traumatize Remix) tools
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play 9. Orbicide - Orbicide (Projekt LR remix) tools
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play 10. Orbicide - Orbicide (Trance Remix by RSM) tools
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play 11. Orbicide - Orbicide (GEttNER Remix) tools
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play 12. Orbicide - Orbicide (Destructed by Detuned Destruction) tools
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Orbicide - Ex Falso Quodlibet
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Orbicide - Ex Falso Quodlibet Orbicide - Ex Falso Quodlibet Orbicide - Ex Falso Quodlibet Orbicide - Ex Falso Quodlibet Orbicide - Ex Falso Quodlibet

Genre: Dark Electro
Medium: CD-R
Price: €7.50
Availability: 5 or more
Halotan Records' code: HLR-33
Band's website: click

22 of 52
MP3-Full album | 131 MB
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Release Summary

  • English
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  • Deutsch

Debut EP of Orbicide - Ex Falso Quodlibet - is raw dark electro with black metal style vocals.

Orbicide band members say that nowadays dark electro became too soft and lost a lot of its original harshness and energy. Thus, their own music is harsh and unpolished.

The release consists of 6 original songs and 6 remixes.

Debiutancka EP-ka wrocławskiego Orbicide - Ex Falso Quodlibet - to surowe i industrialne dark electro z black metalowymi wokalami.

Muzycy Orbicide twierdzą że muzyka dark electro stała się zbyt klubowa i utraciła swoją pierwotną agresję i brud, nie dając wiele w zamian. Na ich własnej płycie muzyka jest więc brudna i niewygładzona.

Ex Falso Quodlibet nie jest klonem zachodnich produkcji. Jest to muza stworzona we własnym stylu, bez oglądania się na to co jest aktualnie modne.

Die Debüt-EP von Orbicide - Ex Falso Quodlibet - ist roher Dark Electro mit Black Metal-ähnlichem Gesang.

Die Bandmitglieder von Orbicide sagen, dass Dark Electro heutzutage zu weich geworden ist und viel von seiner ursprünglichen Härte und Energie verloren hat. Daher ist ihre eigene Musik rau und ungeschliffen.

Die Veröffentlichung besteht aus 6 Originalsongs und 6 Remixen.


  1. Orbicide - The Holocaust ov Egypt
  2. Orbicide - Orbicide
  3. Orbicide - Job
  4. Orbicide - Abraham
  5. Orbicide - Dichotomy Divine
  6. Orbicide - 128
  7. Orbicide - Orbicide (Redesigned by Hexis)
  8. Orbicide - Orbicide (Traumatize Remix)
  9. Orbicide - Orbicide (Projekt LR remix)
  10. Orbicide - Orbicide (Trance Remix by RSM)
  11. Orbicide - Orbicide (GEttNER Remix)
  12. Orbicide - Orbicide (Destructed by Detuned Destruction)
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