Adalbert: The other song that really impressed me is the title track – it’s tempo, basslines and leads almost force you to move, but on the other hand they are still very heavy. Do you think that dancefloor is a good measure of quality for dark electro tracks?
Justin: I’m not sure but I’d imagine so. I’ve never been to a dancefloor. The dancefloors here in New Mexico are all for hip-hop and top 20, real boring stuff! My dancefloor is my living room.
Adalbert: Do you rememebr why you have begun to create a dark electronic music?
Justin: Yes. I was trying to find this limited metal case edition of the film “Hellraiser” back in 2000. I was at the local shop looking to special order it and came across a cd single called “Hellraiser” by a group called Suicide Commando. It was only $3, so I took a chance and ordered it not knowing what to expect. After hearing it, well…changed everything. I immediately went and ordered the full length album “Mindstip” and then everything else I could get my hands on. That led to the discovery of many artists, and still to this day I discover more and more.
Adalbert: Could you explain the meaning of your band’s name? I guess it is nothing pleasant.
Justin: Originally I called my project Dead Air because of a joke about how I’d rather listen to dead air than anything they play on the radio. But I found out there was a band in Texas called that so I wanted to use something unique. I ended up going with a song title for a song I wrote while writing under Dead Air. The idea came from a review on a film in the horror magazine Rue Morgue, something like “the film drips with viscera…” Watching the movie Hellraiser there is a dreamlike scene where the main character is in a hospital and there is an IV bag filled with blood, another take on a Viscera Drip.