play | 1. | Die Braut - Parricida Perpetuo | tools |
Facebook share link (works like youtube link, copy and paste into status): Tweet this song | ||||
play | 2. | Stahlnebel & Black Selket - Shame | tools |
Facebook share link (works like youtube link, copy and paste into status): Tweet this song | ||||
play | 3. | Nano Infect - Never Too Drunk [To Fuck] | tools |
Facebook share link (works like youtube link, copy and paste into status): Tweet this song | ||||
play | 4. | Larva - Breathing Violence | tools |
Facebook share link (works like youtube link, copy and paste into status): Tweet this song | ||||
play | 5. | Vault-113 - Mechanism | tools |
Facebook share link (works like youtube link, copy and paste into status): Tweet this song | ||||
play | 6. | Chamaeleon - Out of Control | tools |
Facebook share link (works like youtube link, copy and paste into status): Tweet this song | ||||
play | 7. | Viscera Drip - My Final Prayer | tools |
Facebook share link (works like youtube link, copy and paste into status): Tweet this song | ||||
play | 8. | Cold Therapy - Lost Your Way (Wynardtage Remix) | tools |
Facebook share link (works like youtube link, copy and paste into status): Tweet this song | ||||
play | 9. | H.Exe - Hollow (Club Remix by Diversant 13) | tools |
Facebook share link (works like youtube link, copy and paste into status): Tweet this song | ||||
play | 10. | Reaxion Guerrilla - Sacrifice (For War Mix By 6.1.6.) | tools |
Facebook share link (works like youtube link, copy and paste into status): Tweet this song | ||||
play | 11. | -La Magra- - You Belong To Me | tools |
Facebook share link (works like youtube link, copy and paste into status): Tweet this song | ||||
play | 12. | Resist Concept - JAdeD | tools |
Facebook share link (works like youtube link, copy and paste into status): Tweet this song | ||||
play | 13. | Scar Limit - Enslave | tools |
Facebook share link (works like youtube link, copy and paste into status): Tweet this song | ||||
play | 14. | Diverje - War Within Me (Remixed by Switchface) | tools |
Facebook share link (works like youtube link, copy and paste into status): Tweet this song | ||||
play | 15. | Deadly Injection - Black Gold | tools |
Facebook share link (works like youtube link, copy and paste into status): Tweet this song |
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We send emails about new releases only. At most there will be a couple of emails a year. Unsubscribe link in every email. This is the best and only future-proof way to stay in touch with us.
Sampler 07 contains a very dangerous dose of dark electro and industrial music.
The style is modern and dancefloor-oriented while it retains a lot of aggressiveness.
It is very likely that you have already heard about most of the bands featuring on this release, so Sampler 07 is a good occasion to check out what they have been up to recently.
Please use facebook links in our player to go to the bands' Facebook pages and “like” them if you have not done so already. This way you can stay in touch with them and get their latest music as it comes.
Also, please hit “like” buttons beside songs to let your friends listen as well and to show the bands your support!
Bandcamp links are provided where available, so please use them and support the bands directly by buying their music.
The photos used to design cover artwork come from Spanish alternative model, Vesmedinia.
Most of the music contained on this release has been compiled by Jacek of Cold Therapy - we thank him for the work he contributed.
Sampler 07 to składanka z muzyką w stylu dark electro, industrial, aggrotech. Jest to pierwsza edycja samplera na której znalazła się muzyka spoza Polski.
Zespoły zaprezentowane na składance reprezentują nowoczesny klubowy styl i jest to prawie w całości muzyka nadająca się na alternatywny parkiet.
Dziękujemy Vesmedinii – alternatywnej modelce pochodzącej z Hiszpanii której zdjęć użyliśmy do zaprojektowania poligrafii dla tego wydawnictwa.
Większość muzyki znajdującej się na tym wydawnictwie skompletował Jacek z Cold Therapy. Dziękujemy mu za pracę którą włożył w to wydawnictwo.
Sampler 07 enthält eine sehr gefährliche Dosis dunkler Elektro- und Industrial-Musik.
Der Stil ist modern und tanzflächenorientiert, während er sich eine Menge Aggressivität bewahrt hat.
Es ist sehr wahrscheinlich, dass ihr die meisten der Bands auf diesem Album bereits kennt, also ist Sampler 07 eine gute Gelegenheit, um zu sehen, was sie in letzter Zeit gemacht haben.
Bitte benutzt die Facebook-Links in unserem Player, um auf die Facebook-Seiten der Bands zu gelangen und sie zu "liken", falls ihr das noch nicht getan habt. Auf diese Weise könnt ihr mit den Bands in Kontakt bleiben und erhaltet ihre neueste Musik, sobald sie erscheint. Bitte klickt auch auf die "Gefällt mir"-Buttons neben den Songs, damit eure Freunde sie auch hören können und um den Bands eure Unterstützung zu zeigen!
Wo verfügbar, sind Bandcamp-Links angegeben. Bitte nutzt sie und unterstützt die Bands direkt, indem ihr ihre Musik kauft.
Die Fotos, die für das Cover-Artwork verwendet wurden, stammen vom spanischen alternativen Modell Vesmedinia.
Wenn ihr eure Band auf der kommenden Sampler-Compilation sehen wollt, kontaktiert uns bitte.
After purchasing you are going to receive a link to a page where you can comment on purchased CDs.
VA - Halotan Records Sampler 07 is great and very good. Thank you that we are a part of that. Cheers, Sander