Posted in: band promotion

Updated: 27 July, 2023
Created: 26 May, 2013
Category: Blog

This becomes a fact of the independent scene. Often you have to pay to get noticed. Even if you have not done so already, sooner or later you will pay or decay. Decay as a musician, of course. Paid compilations, ads, pay-to-play gigs are becoming ...

Updated: 27 July, 2023
Created: 12 November, 2011
Category: Blog

We hear all this moaning ever so often. Those who download music for free are thieves, bastards and criminals who are destroying our scene. Support your artists, support our scene, otherwise you are (put an insulting name here) blah blah ...

Updated: 26 May, 2013
Created: 9 November, 2011
Category: Blog

It is not a feel good article for musicians where getting famous seems so easy that you nearly can see all those hysterical fans fighting to get your sweaty t-shirt you have thrown to the crowd. It is a feel bad article, but it serves a good cause - ...

Updated: 19 July, 2023
Created: 6 November, 2011
Category: Blog

You may have really good music, but still your chances to get signed to one of the remaining traditional independent labels are remote. And you are not to blame. The lack of ideas on their part and clinging to the old business models result in ...