Posted in: ##synthpop

Updated: 16 July, 2024
Created: 16 July, 2024
Category: Newsy

9 lipca 2024 roku ukazał się debiutancki album polskiego projektu oldschool dark electro Aries Musimon zatytułowany "Mary”. Album zawiera osiem utworów w języku polskim i angielskim. Oprócz elektroniki w stylu Leaether Strip czy nawet ...

Updated: 22 June, 2024
Created: 21 June, 2024
Category: Reviews

Exactly on the 20th of June 2024, i.e. on the first day of the astronomical summer, the debut album of the duo Agonised Too from Gdańsk and Białystok was released. As the album is called 'Summer Suffering', the date was no coincidence. The disco ...