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Jacek Wolański about Cold Therapy and much more!

Updated: 22 July, 2023 Created: 7 November, 2012 By:Adalbert Category: Interviews
Jacek Wolański, founder of projects like Unsinn or Traumatize, will tell us about shines and shadows of music career, and about his newborn child, “Cold Therapy”. Enjoy!

Tomasz Herbrich: So Young and so musically adult. . Can you tell me something about your beginnings? What encouraged you to join dark independent music „force”?

I think, I need to mention about a person, who really helped me - Ad-X from Reactor7x. Few years ago, when I started with music, he helped me a lot, as a some kind of secret mentor.

Jacek Wolański: Oh, I’m not so young <Laugh>. Anyway, about my beginnings, I think it was typical. I was just a listener, and I loved that kind of music. I never thought about creating anything… It was really unexpected, just a free idea. And now you can see how it looks. From idea to something serious. I’ve started without any knowledge about music, I’m a self-taught, still trying to experiment.

I think, I need to mention about a person, who really helped me – Ad-X from Reactor7x. Few years ago, when I started with music, he helped me a lot, as a some kind of secret mentor. Rest was typical, a lot of fun, a lot to learn, trying something new. And after that, everything comes easy, when I’ve reached new contacts, and knew a lot of people who tried to help me.

Tomasz Herbrich: Yeah, we can hear in your music that Ad-X had done his job well. When I’m looking on your list of compilations where your project (Traumatize) was included, it gives me a headache. You are placed between fames like C-Lekktor, [x]-rx or T3RROR 3RROR. How do you feel with it? Only “the chosen ones” could reach to that level.

Jacek Wolański: Sure it is satisfying, when you are placed between really popular bands, that you were listening to for years. When you succed, when you are pushing yourself forward… That’s why I’m doing it, for having that kind of pleasure. I’ve met a lot of famous musicians, it’s really nice to stay in contact with them as friends, or to hear a good opinions about my music. With Cold Therapy I’ll continue going this way, cooperate with well-known bands, and of course try to appear on various compilations, it is a good promotion for project.

Tomasz Herbrich: Before we start to talk about Cold Therapy, I have few other questions for you. Tell me more about Unsinn. It was your first official band? How was the cooperation with DeadChris?

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Jacek Wolański: Well… It was complicated. It all started when me and DeadChris were just dreaming about creating a band. And finally we did it, but it was just experimenting with with music and learning.

Music and vocals in Unsinn was my part. DeadChriss had to learn and help me with compositions, and also he had to learn how to play on synths, for live shows. Unfortunately, our cooperation didn’t take a good direction, because he was booking gigs without my knowledge about it, and I knew about it from our shared friends, or by finding deleted e-mails, where he was talking with organizers of the shows.

After that, I’ve told him, that I felt used, because I was doing all music and vocals for Unsinn, and he was booking shows behind my back, played my music on them and taked someone else on my place, who was singing live. Someday he went to play live at Vienna. His sister played on synths and he was singing… After that, he removed me from the band, took all rights, without mentioning about it. He said and wrote everywhere that I left the band by myself. And that was the end of our cooperation. As you can see, it was a bit “spicy”.
To clear the things out, I don’t want any misunderstandings, now I dont bear a grudge on him, and I wish him very best! We both went in our own  ways.

Tomasz Herbrich: With Traumatize you also come very high. Foreign label, physical releases… Lot of polish artists are dreaming about that. Was it hard?

Jacek Wolański: To be honest, it wasn’t so hard as it can look like, but it was arduous, took a lot of patience and time, care about finding good contacts, and making your way to the right people. It came by itself. I’ve started to know with influental people and artists… After that, it was much easier.

Tomasz Herbrich:  But even in Traumatize something went wrong. But we don’t shed a tears, because your newborn child called Cold Therapy is comming! We can hear first snippets of it on the internet. Tell us more about your new project.


Jacek Wolański: I dont regret anything I’ve done with Traumatize. It ends, that’s all. End of story. Don’t sched tears (it sounds really dramatic).

Now i focus on Cold Therapy where I’m going to reach higher level. For now, you can hear short (30 sec) snippet of “Lost Yout Way”, but in near future it will be able in full length, included on Halotan Records Sampler CD. Also you will find me on three other samplers… For now I’ve done tree remixes and one featuring track, so I slowly start the promotion for Cold Therapy.

About the sound… You can expect something like you already know from Traumatize, but I must say that I’m not so much interrested in agressive sounds right now. First Cold Therapy album will be more like classical Dark Electro style, with more „oldschool” sounds, because all that I love in this music genre comes from ’90s. I wonder if the new Cold Therapy album will be well accepted.

Tomasz Herbrich: So what is the biggest problem to realize your “american dream”?

Jacek Wolański:Live shows, I think. To this days, I’ve never played live, because I didn’t had opportunity and proper gear for it. But it’s a present state… I’ll never play alone, pressing play on my laptop and screaming to microphone. When you start to do something, do it good. I Hope it will change in near future, and I’ll be able to play live.

I’ll never play alone, pressing play on my laptop and screaming to microphone. When you start to do something, do it good.

Tomasz Herbrich: So what’s the reason? You can’t find any good musician? You don’t have gear? I understand your reluctance for “solo live – laptop performances”, because I heard that it looks really bad. But doesn’t good music defense itself?

Jacek Wolański: As you said, I think it’s frivolous. In my opinion, that kind of project should never play live. Standing alone with laptop? Sorry but it’s not the show… I’ve talked about all obstacles earlier. For now, this is the way how my live show would look, so I’m not doing it.

I must say that I had a lot of offers, even to play with well-known bands. From my friends BetaMorphose (ex Nurzery Rhymes) for example. They really want to play with me, but as you said, I don’t have crew for live acts. They should be trusted people, not someone from nowhere, cause I don’t want to be afraid for my back all the time, when I’m singing. I don’t have gear to play live, for now. It should change in future I don’t know where or when, but someday I will play live. that’s for sure, I can promise that!

Tomasz Herbrich: Now the classics. What does Cold Therapy mean to you?

Jacek Wolański: Name of my new project is a collison of all my past ideas, something between them, because they wasn’t really good for a project name and “cathy”. My friend helped me with it, and I liked it.

About the meaning, I think it is in some way about certain period of my life.

Tomasz Herbrich: Tell us then, when you want to release your debut album? And where, in near future, we can find Cold Therapy featuring tracks? Or is it a secret?

Jacek Wolański: For now, I cant’t say anything sure about release date of debut album, but I hope I’ll be able to finish work on it between February and March 2013… But it’s only a hope. When I’ll be finishing it, then, for sure, I’ll tell more.

And no, it’s not a secret where you can find Cold Therapy. I’ve recorded vocals to “El Comandante”, for Argentine band FF.AA. They are playing martial industrial / dark electro, something between Feindflug and Acylum. Track will be included on their upcoming album, released by Mutant-E Records. I hope, there will be some kind of preview of it soon, so you can hear it.

Tomasz Herbrich: It seems to be interesting! Now, let’s talk about our motherland music scene. How it is for you? Is it getting stronger or weaker?

Jacek Wolański: It’s a bit hard for me to say anything about that, because I was working more on foreign music scene, and I’ve checked it more. But I think there’s something going on in polish scene. I think our music gain a lot in last few years. There appear a lot of good music projects, who are worth of attention, and they are getting it. What is good, that also there appeared new music labels, such as Halotan Records. If I must say, if our music industry is getting stronger or weaker, then I’ll say pick a first one. It’s certainly better, and a lot is happening there, comparing to the past.

Tomasz Herbrich: Is there a large difference between interest in your music in Poland and abroad?

I think our music gain a lot in last few years. There appear a lot of good music projects, who are worth of attention, and they are getting it.

Jacek Wolański: Quite interesting question. Generally, I’ve seen a lot of interested in my music, but mostly out of Poland. I had few interviews, many reviews, and I’ve found a lot of discussions about my music on web. But in Poland… Well, people weren’t so interested in my music. I was standing in the shadow of other motherland bands.

Maybe it’s because I didn’t played live gigs, so I haven’t got good promotion, unlike other bands. I also never have a polish record label. I’ve started abroad, so maybe it’s the promotion fault in Poland.

But this time it can be different, because I’m starting with Cold Therapy in polish label.

Tomasz Herbrich: Now tell something from yourself, for goodbye.

Jacek Wolański: I would like to thank to my friends, fans and Halotan Records for your suport. Halotan helped me a lot with upcoming release. Special thanks to friends who helped me, when I was thinking about stop working on music, after Traumatize get closed. They took me back to the good way!

Thank you for the interview, it was nice to talk with you. Feel free to follow Cold Therapy. I hope that fans of this kind of music wouldn’t be dissapointed. Se you all!

Tomasz Herbrich: See you to!

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