Posted in: aggrotech

Updated: 16 July, 2024
Created: 16 July, 2024
Category: Newsy

9 lipca 2024 roku ukazał się debiutancki album polskiego projektu oldschool dark electro Aries Musimon zatytułowany "Mary”. Album zawiera osiem utworów w języku polskim i angielskim. Oprócz elektroniki w stylu Leaether Strip czy nawet ...

Updated: 23 July, 2023
Created: 21 March, 2016
Category: Interviews

There is certainly a reason behind the recently increasing presence of Mexican dark electro acts on Halotan internet website and on Halotan samplers. While the whole genre became rather predicticable and petrified, Mexican bands constantly deliver ...

Updated: 22 July, 2023
Created: 15 March, 2016
Category: Interviews

Devilsight is Mexican dark electro act which recently delivered their debut album "Luna", which should satisfy every fan of the genre. We recently reviewed this very strong release, which luckily is published in physical format by Hungarian label ...

Updated: 22 July, 2023
Created: 14 March, 2016
Category: News|Reviews

Many dark electro albums are issued these days, and it's harder and harder to get the listener's attention. However, not all artists care about that, and Exemia is the case. I know the project since one year or something, but must admit I missed ...

Updated: 22 July, 2023
Created: 4 December, 2015
Category: News|Reviews

Hocico's "Ofensor" is their 8th (if we don't count many non-regular albums) full lenght LP by Hocico. Erk Aicrag and Racso Agoryam deliver their sinister electronic art since more than two decades, and from the beginning of their carrer until now ...

Updated: 22 July, 2023
Created: 1 November, 2015
Category: News|Reviews

Latin America seems to be the endless source of good dark electro music. Even if we think only about Mexico such bands as Hocico, C_Lekttor or Amduscia are only the beginning of a very long list.  The immense multitude of projects, which are ...

Updated: 22 July, 2023
Created: 16 September, 2015
Category: Interviews

Guilt Trip is a Swedish industrial duo, which has already long experience in creating of diversified and intelligent, yet still energetic and somehow catchy music. Karl Lindberg (synthesisers) and Magnus Nilsson (vocals) agreed to answer a few ...

Updated: 22 July, 2023
Created: 20 August, 2015
Category: Interviews

Cynical Existence is a Swedish industrial/aggrotech act which despite its quite young age has already issued  three very strong  albums : "Come Out And Play" (2013),  "Erase, Evolve And Rebuild" ‎(2013) and  released just few months ago "We ...