Posted in:

Updated: 27 August, 2023
Created: 27 August, 2023
Category: Blog

A radical shift is needed in the way bands – especially in our dark independent scene – approach Facebook band promotion. In short: we need to help each other, there is no other way. We need to quickly understand, that bands competing with ...

Updated: 18 July, 2024
Created: 9 August, 2023
Category: Blog

Recently I got asked why do I bother with label's own website. Why do you not use Facebook + Bandcamp, like everybody else? Thank you Adrian (a very nice guy I met thanks to Halotan Records) for this question. You made me see this elephant in ...

Updated: 6 September, 2023
Created: 5 August, 2023
Category: Blog

I have to warn you - this is not a success story like in those inspirational posts. Quite the contrary, it is a history of failure and futile sacrifice. I learned a thing or two, even thought learning them was not worth all the hassle. I ...

Updated: 18 August, 2023
Created: 27 July, 2023
Category: Blog

You see, independent musicians have always been ripped off left right and center. Do you as a fan want to be a part of it? Because it does not have to be this way - you can change this. In this post I am not saying you should stop buying ...

Updated: 11 September, 2023
Created: 20 July, 2023
Category: Blog

As of 20th of July 2023 we can announce that some work is being done on Halotan Records' revival. Scroll down past small announcement below or click here to skip to the main text. We will publish small updates in this post as the work ...

Updated: 18 July, 2024
Category: Blog

Wygląda na to że Halotan Records powoli wraca do świata żywych - oraz tych nie całkiem. Jako że nie ma sensu mnożyć postów, tutaj będą zamieszczane krótkie uaktualnienia z datami. 11/07/2024:Premiera fizycznej wersji składanki ...

Updated: 29 July, 2023
Created: 19 September, 2015
Category: News

We are happy to announce the release of the 9th instalment of our Sampler compilations. It is the third Sampler consisting exclusively of dark electro music. The new more focused formula appears to be working quite well. Instead of trying to be all ...

Updated: 5 September, 2015
Created: 5 September, 2015
Category: News|Reviews

Fredrik Croona's “The Grey Line” is another fine release from Advoxya Records, dated September 1st 2015. If I were to pick just one word to describe it, I would said it is surprising. And it is surprising on many levels. But – first things ...

Updated: 5 September, 2015
Category: News

We have a pleasure to announce that our exclusively Polish dark electronic compilation, Halotan Sounds 2 is out. As Halotan Records come from Poland (now based in Ireland) this is a special release for us. We are exited about the opportunity to ...

Updated: 5 September, 2015
Category: Blog

Some weeks ago I came across this post on one of dark electro related groups. A lady dropped a casual post about her new haircut with a photo of same. You can see a screenshot above. Personal information blurred out as it is irrelevant. I ...